Privacy Policy - SnapTikIG

When users engage with various online services, understanding how data is handled and protected becomes important. SnapTik IG, the user-friendly Instagram downloader, stands firm on our commitment to user privacy. This article delves into SnapTik IG's privacy policy, providing a comprehensive overview of how user data is collected, utilized, and protected.

1. Personal identification information

SnapTik IG gathers personal identification information from Users through various means, such as when Users explore our website, complete a form, or engage with the different activities, services, features, or resources we offer on our Site. 

Users have the option to visit our Site anonymously. Personal identification information is collected from Users solely on a voluntary basis. Users have the prerogative to decline providing such information; however, this refusal might restrict their participation in specific activities related to the Site.

  • Data Collection: SnaptikiIG collects user-provided information such as Instagram usernames or URLs to enable the download functionality. This data is used solely for the intended purpose of facilitating downloads and isn't stored after the process is completed.
  • Security Measures: We ensure to safeguard user data against unauthorized access, breaches, or misuse. Encryption and secure protocols are utilized to protect information throughout the download process.
  • Third-Party Sharing: User data is never shared, sold, or disclosed to any third parties. SnaptikiIG operates independently and does not involve third-party services in handling user data.
  • Cookies and Tracking: SnaptikiIG does not utilize cookies or tracking mechanisms for any purpose. We prioritize user privacy and don’t engage in any form of tracking or data collection beyond what is essential for the download process.
  • Compliance with Instagram Policies: We adhere strictly to Instagram's terms of service and policies. SnaptikiIG does not infringe on Instagram's policies related to data scraping or unauthorized use of content.

We ensure to safeguard user data against unauthorized access

2. Non-personal identification information

SnapTik IG reserves the right to gather non-personal identification information whenever Users engage with our Site. This category of information includes details like the browser name, computer specifications, and technical specifics related to Users' means of connecting to our Site.

We also include but not limited to the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized. This data collection occurs during each interaction Users have with our Site and aids in enhancing our understanding of user experiences and technical preferences.

3. Web browser cookies

SnapTikiIG set up our web browser cookies in operational framework. These cookies serve various functionalities integral to the platform's operation and user experience. Additionally, web browser cookies are essential components that aid in the smooth functioning of the platform and contribute to a user's experience.

SnapTikiIG's use of browser cookies extends to the collection of limited user data pertaining to preferences, interactions, and usage patterns within the platform. This data collection is intended to optimize service performance, improve user experience, and is utilized for internal analytics to enhance the service's functionality.

SnapTikiIG's use of browser cookies to optimize service performance

4. Advertising Privacy Policies

Our advertising privacy policy details how we manage user data for advertising endeavors. Advertisements displayed on our site might be presented to Users by advertising partners, which may utilize cookies. These cookies enable the ad server to identify your device whenever it transmits online advertisements to gather non-personal identification details about you or those utilizing your device. 

This information allows ad networks to deliver tailored ads they perceive as most relevant to your interests. It is important to note that this privacy policy does not extend to the utilization of cookies by any advertisers.

5. Changes to this privacy policy

SnapTik IG holds the authority to alter this privacy policy as necessary. Any amendments will be communicated through a notification on our Site's main page and a revised date at the bottom of this document. 

We encourage Users to frequently visit our page (https://SnapTik to stay informed about our methods in securing the collected personal information. You acknowledge and accept the responsibility to periodically review this privacy policy to understand any modifications made.

We encourage Users to frequently visit our page

6. Your acceptance of these terms

Your utilization of SnapTik IG implies your acknowledgment of this policy. If you disagree with this policy, we kindly request that you refrain from using our Site. Your continuous use of the Site subsequent to the publication of any alterations to this policy will be construed as your acceptance of those revisions.

At SnapTik IG, we value your privacy and commit to maintain the confidentiality, security, of the information of the users. By utilizing or entering our services, you consent to the conditions detailed in this privacy policy. Should you have any inquiries or apprehensions regarding your privacy or the security of your data, we encourage you to reach out to us.